Yesterday I had a trip out to present our wines to the Old Manor at Potters Bar. Heritage Inns are opening a new pub soon and they are looking for a good quality wine list that will entice the customers into their new inn. Andrew Marler was in good form and we fought our way through 28 […]
Wine Blog – The French End
We'll shortly be back in France preparing for the summer season of wine tours and holiday guests. Its also time to catch up on our french winemakers to check up on the progress of the 2011 vintage which we have already been tasting so this will be an update really on what I think is […]
WIne Blog – Today’s events
Its been a busy day what with our regular Saga wine tasting up at the Pavillion in Enbrook Park. As always we have a great time with some great people over the lunch break. Our sales manager Richard was his usual exuberant self telling all those who came along about our very special wines […]
Simon’s Wine Blog – Madame Gautier – Traiteur
Simon's wine blog – Today we delivered to a new customer in London - Madame Gautier. Mark and Corinne run an amazing classic French traiteur business in London, supplying great traditional french food through their farmers markets and catering for private customers for dinner parties and events. Mark and Corinne are also opening a venue in […]
Simon’s Wine Blog – New beginnings
Today we dilivered to a new customer in London Madame Gautier. Mark and Corinne run an amazing classic franch traiteur business in London supplying great traditional french food through their farmers markets and catering for private customers for dinner parties and events. Mark and Corinne are also opening a venue in Barnes and a cookery […]
Wine Blog – Our new storage facilities
Great news that Grainger Fine Wines has moved into a new storage facility in Dover and
Wine Blog – a wine list
Its always difficult to choose a wine list for a restaurant or wine bar that covers all eventualities. There is so much choice evne for us when we ares elling wines from France and Spain.
Grainger’s Wine Blog – French Wine in a Nutshell!
Like food, wine is a part of the daily ritual, entwined with customs, festivities and local identity. However, falling exports and shifting drinking habits in France and elsewhere are pressuring the wine industry to adapt. However, after decades of mechanisation, intensification and chemicals, French vineyards are retreating back to the basics of painstaking labour, of […]
Grainger’s Wine Blog – Our new portfolio
Simon today is talking about our new wine portfolio. To jump ahead of the new duty payments we have bought in some real crackers to add to our single estate wines. The budget has increased the duty on a still bottle of wine between 5.5 and 15% alcohol to £1.90 a bottle and on sparklimg […]
Grainger’s wine blog – the new season
Simon's french wine blog is today about our return to France for the coming wine tour season. What joy we cannot wait to greet our first guests in April. This year we are running a set programme each week for non residential guests who wish to come on half and one day wine tours and wine tasting dinners […]