Yep an amazing story that actually happened. One of our winemakers tasted his lastest vintage sparkling at the cave and found it to have some reduction ie the sulphur dioxide had been chemically reduced to hydrogen sulphide whch smells of old socks or bad eggs! He was told to leave it overnight in the open during a […]
Wine Blog – Biodynamics or what??
Wine Blog – A Harley
Yesterday we said goodbye to George and Alison and there biggggggg Harley. They enjoyed the wine and the sights of the Loire valley
Wine Blog – A day tour
Its been somewhat busy to say the least and somewhat belatedly our wine tours update is extremely late. Sorry about that. We took two guests on one of our one day wine tours. Brenda and Dermot spent a day taking in the joys of the Loire wines and the characters who make these lovely wines. We […]
Wine Blog – A supper evening
At Manoir de Gourin our Monday supper evenings are eagerly anticipated by our guests each week and yesterday was no exception with three couples joining us for an evening of fun and enjoyment with some delicious home cooked food from Karin and a great selection of local wines. Brenda and Dermot, Tanya and Scott, and […]
Wine Blog – Chateau de Chaintres vintage 2011
A swift visit to Chateau de Chaintres today to pick up our display board for the introduction talk as I left it behind after our three ladies wine tour on Monday. We have a tour booked on Tuesday next. Richard Desouche filled me in on the current vintages. So the 2011 'Domaine' has been quietly […]
Wine Blog – Our wine tour on Monday
Three lovely ladies descended upon Saumur by train to partake on one of our day wine tours and did they look apprehensive when I met them at the station but wow how it turned out to be a wonderful day and to boot they bought the sunshine with them so we were able to picnic […]
Wine Blog – Touring
We have two guests touring tomorrow from Norway with a friend from Paris. We are off to tour Saumur Champigny country to our favourite estate Chateau de Chaintres in the morning followed by a picnic overlooking the vineyards with the winemaker Richard Desouche. We'll start with an introduction talk I will give in the reception […]
Wine Blog – Open Day
Our visit on Sunday last to Domaine de L'Enchantoir allowed us to taste the current vintages.
Wine Blog – Open Doors
Tomorrow is an important day for Domaine de L'Enchantoir in Saumur country Loire valley France with the annual open day for the publlic to visit and try the wines. We are going along with a load of friends Peter and Maggie, Sally and John, Roy and Liz, Francoise, Inger and Colin. The weather is awful at […]
Wine Blog – Mildew
The season for mildew will be starting soon and the two types Downy and Powdery are treated with two separate chemicals. Downy is treated with Copper traditionally by the Bordeaux mixture or bouillie bordelaise which contains Lime, Copper sulphate and water. Powdery called Oidium Tuckerii after a Mr Tucker who first found it in Margate, England is […]