More photos of the filming of our latest blockbuster Momento Mori. Cheers.
Wine Blog – Film 2012
Having starred in a mega film last year and seen the results at our premiere recently, we are now embarking on a new venture this year with our director of filming Maggie Law. Its called 'Momento Mori' and yours truely is 'starring' as a retired copper with Karin as his wife. Today we did some […]
Wine Blog – Wine tasting
A bevy of guests desended on Chateau de Chaintres yesterday to taste the wines of Richard Desouches. Peter and Maggie and their friends from UK. Maggie had invited two of her old chums from her days of waitering in London so a nastalgic reunion. Richard was his usual brilliant self being informative and helpful and […]
Wine Blog – London Wine Fair part three
According to our french winemaker Richard Desouche the joy of an english chip is the size. It has to be bigger than a french frite about the size of your small finger! Anyway back to the real business of the fair. We had some good contacts and are now busy following these up. The usual […]
Wine Blog – London Wine Fair part 2
The London International wine fair as I said in my earlier blog was a great show of french togetherness. The french contingent were very insistant that they take their lunch break at 12 noon yes I know the usual time everything stops in France for lunch. Same at the fair forget the punters! So muggins […]
Wine Blog – London International Wine Fair day 1
We attended the fair this year with one of our winemakers from the Loire Chateau de Chaintres. The Loire stand was better placed in the exhibition hall than last year and we enjoyed the camaraderie between the various section of the french wine regions notably the Beaujolais boys! Cheers.
Wine Blog – Wine tasting dinner
A full house of guests joined us for a wine tasting dinner on Monday night at Manoir de Gourin hosted by our local winemaker Pierre van den Boom from Domaine de L'Enchantoir with his wife Brigitte. Karin and Pierre worked together to prepare a menu and wines for each course of the dinner. Entree of […]
Wine Blog – A fleeting visit
Just popped over to our very good family domaine Chateau de Brossay in Anjou country to pick up some sparkling red. Yes sparkling red its quite scrumptous and great with Chocolate dessert and Strawberries as a Soupe de Fraise. Delicious. Cheers.
Wine Blog – Fun Day Out
Well what a day out with some more lovely guests from Australia. Greg and Marion joined us on a residential wine tour to Saumur Champigny country and to our Saumur appellation. We had the most enjoyable day out touring the vineyards and tasting the wines with our passionate winemakers Richard and Pierre. More members for […]
Wine Blog – Touring again
A great day out in Saumur at the Combier distillery. A nice change to the wines. Spirits take the lead with an afternnon visit for guests Kerrin and David from Australia. We were shown the method on making their Triple sec using Spanish and Haiti orange peel shipped in dry. They soak the peel remove […]